Tulipan, known today as tulip

I bought a lovely plained notebook for my sister 2 days ago. It’s brand’s name was Tulipan. I uncovered it from its package at home. It had a story inside. I liked it and wanted to share with all over the world. It was that:

Tulipan, known today as Tulip, is the name of flower which is originated from Central Asia and brought by Turks during the immigration from Central Asia to Anatolia.

Tulipan being brought by Turks to Anatolia, had taken a great part in social and cultural life of Turkish people, starting from Seljuk Era. Especially in the Ottoman times, it not only meant a beautiful flower but also it conveyed a cultural meaning. From literature, craft and architecture and textile, a lot of work were embellished by tulip patterns in Ottoman Era, and tulip gained a valuable meaning in social life. Click “Yazının Devamı” to read more…

After İstanbul’s conquest, gardens and parks were rearranged with tulips by the order of Fatih Sultan Mehmet, while the city was being reconstructed.

In devolution of the Ottoman Empire, the government was distessed by the war and civil insurrection and were in the search of a life without any concern. So, they finally found the peace in constructing huge tulip gardens. These 12 years of luxury and leisure time was called The Tulip Era and it led huge developments in science, art and culture. The first aper factory and printing house in the Ottoman Empire was also established in Tulip Era.

Tulip seeds that were being transported to Europe, especially to Holland were reproduced by hybridization and new species were generated. Thereby, Ottomans had started to obtain tulips from Holland, and by the end of the Tulip Era, Ottoman tulips had been disappeared gradually.

Tulip was notonly spread to other countries, but also entered as a word to their languages with its original eastern name. Today, tulip is “tulip” in Netherlands, “tulpe” in Germany, “tulip” in Great Britain, and “tulipan” in Spain.

This is the long story of Tulipan in our history.
Hope you remember the this history when you hear tulipan word…

Osmanlı kültürümüzün bir parçası olan lâle çiçeğini, Osmanlı kültürü ve Lâle devri’nin hikayesiyle özdeşleştiren bu kısa tarihi yazıyı ingilizce paylaşarak, birçok dilde adı benzer olan bu çiçek vasıtasıyla tarihimizin küçük de olsa bir parçasını yabancıların okuması amaçlanmıştır. İngilizce bilmeyen okuyucularımdan özür diliyorum.

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